Isn’t it too late for adults to undergo orthodontic treatment?
The answer is definitely no. Orthodontic treatment of adults is just as natural as it is for children. Some orthodontic appliances have even been developed with the aesthetic needs of adults in mind.
Important things to know about orthodontics for adults. Up till what age can adults wear braces? Is it possible to put braces on a crown? Orthodontics in your 30s, 40s or 50s.
Orthodontics in your 30s, 40s or 50s?
Orthodontic treatment is easier in adulthood because adults tend to pay more attention to oral hygiene. Also, modern appliances make treatment possible even if there are missing, root-treated teeth, crowns or veneers.
Invisible braces?
Aesthetic orthodontic appliances developed for adults have been on the market for quite some years. You should not be afraid to smile if you are wearing ceramic braces or a clear aligner.
Orthodontic treatment of adult fast and easily!
In the case of aesthetic treatments where crowding or spacing issues need handling orthodontic treatment with an invisible, clear aligner can have results even after 4 to 5 months. Whichever appliance you may choose, treatment will not take longer than one year.
Can I undergo orthodontic treatment if I have periodontitis?
Orthodontic treatment is possible even if you have periodontitis. It is often the periodontist who request orthodontic treatment so that the preservation of the teeth can be guaranteed in the long run. If there is an active inflammation, periodontal treatment must precede the orthodontic one. It is also important to bear in mind that moving the teeth is not recommended in the case of severe bone loss.