Useful things to know. Here is a list of the most common questions my patients typically ask me.

Fixed braces

  • Can the orthodontic treatment end up taking longer than planned?

    The planned treatment time for fixed or removable braces is calculated by considering the average speed it takes for teeth to move. It can happen that the teeth end up moving slower than expected or that the patient does not cooperate appropriately, leading to prolonged treatment time.

  • How long do I have to wear a retainer after the orthodontic treatment?

    After the removal of the fixed braces, the retainer needs be worn for a year both during the day and at night. However, it is enough to wear it every second day, and then 2-3 times a week after the first year.

  • Does it hurt when the braces are glued to the teeth?

    The gluing of the braces involves no pain, but requires patience. If, however, your lips are chapped or you have temporomandibular joint symptoms, they can cause inconveniences.

    You can experience pain for about 5 days after the braces have been fixed on your teeth, and for 1-2 days after they have been activated. The level of pain is manageable for everyone.

  • What to do if part of the braces has broken off or got damaged?

    The best course of action is to make an appointment with your orthodontist so the issue can be remedied as soon as possible.

  • Can I do sports wearing braces?

    Braces should not prevent you from doing sports. In the case of group or combat sports however, it is advisable to wear a mouth guard designed for braces. We can also make custom mouth guards after a mold has been taken.

  • Do fixed braces damage my teeth?

    Neither the braces, nor the adhesive damage the teeth. However, fixed braces do make cleaning of the teeth more difficult. With right technique and toothbrush, and especially by paying more attention, teeth can be cleaned perfectly, though, and caries can be prevented even during the orthodontic treatment.

  • What should I pay attention to when I eat during the orthodontic treatment?

    Food must be cut into little pieces at every meal and you mustn’t bite into anything. It is best to avoid hard (popcorn, nuts, hard candies etc) and very sticky foods (toffee, jelly beans) and gum chewing is also forbidden.

  • Do braces accelerate tooth decay?

    Braces don’t, but the plaque deposited around it may unfortunately increase the possibility of tooth decay. The condition of the teeth is always checked during the monthly follow-up and activation.

Removable braces

  • Does the orthodontic treatment hurt?

    Removable braces don’t cause severe pain in the majority of cases.

  • How frequently do braces need activation?

    Every 6-to-8 weeks with removable braces

    Every 4-to-6 weeks with fixed braces

  • How many hours a day do I have to wear the braces?

    About 10-12 hours per day in the case of traditional removable braces.

  • What happens at the first orthodontic appointment?

    A general, comprehensive dental check-up is carried out during the first appointment, and you are informed about the current dental and orthodontic issues. The aim is to find out whether you really need orthodontic treatment and if yes, how long it will take, what appliance will be needed and how much it will cost approximately. This does not oblige you to do anything.

  • At what age is it recommended to make the first orthodontic appointment?

    Except for some rare cases (such as the Angle III bulldog bite) requiring early treatment, children should come for an orthodontic appointment when aged 7 or 8. The check-up is completely painless so they will not associate orthodontics with a bad experience.

How can I help You? Make an appointment!

You can call the practice between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm on weekdays, or write me an e-mail between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm on weekends.
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